Monday, March 14, 2011


I am still wondering if this social media revolution, is a revolution. Did the French know at the time, when heads were rolling, that they we in a huge revolution? Did they know the impact of their individual actions would collectively reverberate the foundations of the western world for centurys?

So is this revolution, and is there other revolutions being initiated by the social media revolution. I think there is, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to name but a few. Revolutions within a revolution....whoa!

Anyway saw this and I think it says something. Its technology, (web, video cameras, mobiles, PC's, iPods, iPads, broadband, VOIP, Internet TV, VOD), at its best all playing a part in this revolution. But it is Social media, the neural glue, that has caused the dots to be joined up and really create a total democratization of all aspects of human society. Viva la revolution!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More in quotes

I have to explore 'more', express 'more' and experience 'more'. We all need 'more' and sometimes we think having more is wrong. Its about defining what 'more' is.

It is said the hungry consuming nature of 'more' is the archilles of humans. Building bigger better, growing and consuming all in our path. But unless we want 'more' we are not human. That is fundamental reason why we have evolved and risen above nature with intelligence. It is because of our unending quest for 'more'.

We have to surrender to 'more'. Growth is all part of our existence and here is the distressing part of our life. Our quest for 'more' means we, by mere defination, are doomed to blow ourselves out. If we consume at an ever expanding rate, through simple numbers, we will consume until nothing is left to consume!

But as individual, this should not detract from our own personal growth. Lets not try to solve the worlds problems here but focus on ourselves as individuals. Then I think we humans have a chance. By focusing on keys aspects of our individual growth, we will mature emotionally and hopefully become 'more' in tune with our and earths nature. Some call it 'true consciousness'. Therefore we have, I have, hope for humankind. A big leap, but as with all life I have faith in life, in God, in us.

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Year ....and more navel gazing!

Okay its that time, new Year new promises. And new thoughts..."this time I will..." But before you can sort out what resolution you want to be your mantra, its February and you are back in the the thick of life.

I found this interesting article in Frank which struck a chord though.

The particular quote that struck a chord is how people forget the many roles we play and how we let our work consume us. We in fact have many jobs not one that pays the bills (in my case just pays the bills)

The writer quotes "I’m also a father and husband and know that those are my most important roles — not my role as a writer. I am more than that as well: I run and read and learn and help others and am constantly experimenting with life. I can do things other than my job and be fulfilled."

My 2011 happy and explore life. Be young again or least think like a young one, and get the mojo of life. The "mojo of life", I like that. just thought it. I will end while ahead.

End of date 1st day of February two thousand and eleven.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ramblings but important ones

I suppose my lack of blogs is due too many things. And thats the problem. Why are we, as we get older, finding things difficult to start and finish. Time?! As we get older time reduces, yet it is constant. As we get older we have more things to do but due to age and our perception, we cannot complete them fast enough. And then there is the list of them. Not only is the quality (how important you rate them) but the quantity of them increases. Basically our lives get busier and busier and yet our internal processing of these elements of life, slow us down. Where am I going with this? Not sure. Maybe I am searching for a way to manage my expectations called an ego, to ensure we massage the achievement we all deep down expect. Thus I have concluded that 3 is the magic number. Tomorrow I will explain (as only day 2 of the discovery and still in the field testing the theory). To tomorrow. Stardate 14 of the 9th month in the year 2 thousand and ten.

So tomorrow went by and proved that there is alot of work to be done with the Theory of Three. So what is the theory of three you ask. When compiling your list of things to do, do you write down the numerous tasks we all seem to face. And we write them down, dont achieve them and then we get depressed that we are not achieving meaningful lives. So my conclusion is only write down three. And only three.

So I wrote down three, but never achieved any of them. Damn, why? May be they were too broad and not realistic. But what is realistic. I havent a clue. And maybe thats the problem...I am not a realist. So how do you become a realist. But here is my point. If we are all realists wouldnt we as a race become dull and boring. Never dreaming the impossible , daring the improbable.

Therefore I have concluded I will continue to write the impossible task list, making an inspiring list, and celebrate when I achieve anything. Instead of being depressed about not achieving celebrate like hell when you do. Moral of the story...set the bar and go for it...and set the bar three times!

Monday, July 5, 2010

A new log....a new blog....another year. It has been awhile. It is ONE year on since my last blog.WOW but what has happened. Everything really. Since being made redundant a new leaf, chapter has begun. A journey that has taken me to places I thought never possible, physically and spiritually.
All I can say is that inner thoughts are now resuming. Thought for today....or since my last blog......enjoy the NOW! Tolle was onto to something. And he has struck a cord with a number of there is even Tolle TV. WHAT? And hence my thought....its not heart disease or cancer or cars or smoking thats the killer 21st disease.Its the big "D" - depression. And what we must do is TEACH our kids how to be mentally smart. We have trouble teaching the hell do we teach emotional intelligence?

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Stardate 31.05.2009.
It has been some time since signing in and doodling my thoughts down in my blogg. They are ramblings but that's what this blogg is about.

As you may have noted from the title, the realities of commerce and the general state of the economy have rendered me displaced. Yes, in other words redundant.

What a term displaced. I have just tried to Wiki it and see if it is a commonly used term for being made redundant. It's not, but it is a term I keep hearing people use. The "R" word has alot of baggage(see previous blogg). "Displaced" at first was an okay term but the more I think about it the worse it gets. Because in a way it's too accurate.

The dictionary defines 'displaced' as an adjective, defined as "moved or put out of the usual or proper place". As I have found out the last few weeks, this is bang on. You now have more time. You can make choices for you. You have time to do things that matter to you! Smell the grass, sort your shit out and do it all by yourself without other people hassling you.

This is not right in todays' modern society. Or more to the point, not the norm. And that is just frigin sad is that!

But I hear all of you (numerous) readers saying "welcome to the real world pete... you have only just realsied that we are all slaves to realities of living in a modern society?" Yes I have, and how sad we have to conform to pressures driven by the greed of making money, social attainment through possession, driven by jealously and greed.

Whoa...ease up Pete. But I have a point I think. I saw a stat from WHO (World Health Organisation for those not sure) that said by 2015 Depression in the Western World will be the second biggest killer after Cancer. And I would say this is driven by this rat race.

Luckily at the moment I am displaced from the rat race, well a little anyway. I will need to earn some money soon to keep my house before I am really displaced. And seeing the news reports coming from the States, there is alot of displacing happening there at the moment.

God help all these people and God help all of us.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Its been awhile...stardate 30 03 2009

Work, recession and struggle. The themes of the times. I saw in the news some PR firm (yes spin doctors) have started a campaign that people in the company are not allowed to mention the R word now.

I thought that work would be great if we didn't mention that R word. Maybe we should ban it. Maybe all the problems, redundancy clouds and struggling companies would suddenly disappear with the R word.

Anyway I have struggled of late with the pressure this R has brought. And I dont think my generation has experienced anything like this before. Us baby boomers have had a pretty cruizy existance. Looking back in history and through stories my Mum told me, we havent really experienced any true hardship.