Monday, January 31, 2011

New Year ....and more navel gazing!

Okay its that time, new Year new promises. And new thoughts..."this time I will..." But before you can sort out what resolution you want to be your mantra, its February and you are back in the the thick of life.

I found this interesting article in Frank which struck a chord though.

The particular quote that struck a chord is how people forget the many roles we play and how we let our work consume us. We in fact have many jobs not one that pays the bills (in my case just pays the bills)

The writer quotes "I’m also a father and husband and know that those are my most important roles — not my role as a writer. I am more than that as well: I run and read and learn and help others and am constantly experimenting with life. I can do things other than my job and be fulfilled."

My 2011 happy and explore life. Be young again or least think like a young one, and get the mojo of life. The "mojo of life", I like that. just thought it. I will end while ahead.

End of date 1st day of February two thousand and eleven.