Friday, February 20, 2009

S.A.D yep that sums it up

I listened to the National Progamme today and heard a lovely UK story. All about S.A.D, Seasonal Affective Disorder. What?!!!! Check out what it means..over to you Mr Wiki. Anyway the UK, where obviously SAD is most common, have decided to put a SAD forecast with their pollen count, and temperature in their weather forecasts. This involves a "gloom" forecast, that is, how grey it is.. This is so people who are affected by SAD, sorry but what an inappropriate acroynom, to be able to be warned that they highly likely be depressed for that day. Brilliant.

Good morning ladies and gentleman. Todays forecast is not that great. its pretty gloomy, as it is normally in the UK in winter. So for those affected by SAD, you are shit out of luck. Best stay inside and get that UV light on you. Otherwise you will be very very very SAD. Have a nice day.

Anyway, I thought it funny. Rant over. Star date 22.02.2009.

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